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Welcome – And Salamat!

Hello there. You have no idea how grateful I am that you’re here.

I know your time is precious, so let me cut to the chase.

I want you to read this blog knowing a few things:

It’s a treat to be able to finally do what I have always wanted to do – to write, and to share life’s messy and beautiful stories with you.

It is scary to be vulnerable, to open myself up to the world – writing about the good, the bad and the hard – but this is what my soul is craving for.

I want you to remember that these are my thoughts, my musings. You may or may not agree with the things I discuss here, and that’s okay. Sometimes, sharing a little bit of ourselves to a large chunk of humanity is all we can ask for.

I consider this blog my freedom wall, a space where I can freely speak my heart and share my voice. In terms of topics, you can expect all manner of things from me – from fun topics, such as food and travel, to topics most people avoid – such as debt, relationships, environment, politics, human rights, etc.

Sometimes, I just want to talk about being a wife, daughter, woman, migrant worker, a woman of color. On some days, I just want to talk about food, travel, fun and silly things!

Steve and Jomay

I am a recovering perfectionist, and I wholeheartedly embrace all my scars, flaws and imperfections. I never had an easy life, but I am grateful and my heart is full.

Steve and I strive for less in most areas except five – joy, kindness, experiences, travel and beer. If you love food, travel, books, plants and inspiring stories, then maybe we can be best of friends!

I don’t send a lot of emails, but I will try my best to post weekly-ish. I’d love to connect with you through email,, or social – I am on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

It’s lovely to have you here. Welcome to Musings from the Prairies 🙂

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